  December 4-5, 2008
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The only and high-level international event in China!
Specific focus on hot issues in Chinese & global gold markets.


上海黄金饰品行业协会成立于1996年12月,英文译名:Shanghai Gold & Jewellery Trade Association ,英文缩写:GJTAS。是经市商委批准,市社会团体管理局核准登记的具有法人资格的社会团体。主管单位是上海市商业委员会。本会是由经营零售、批发、生产加工的以黄金、铂金为主要材料的首饰企业和其他相关企事业单位自愿组成,非营利性的社会团体组织。 随着行业发展,目前企业入会占行业覆盖面达到75%,会员企业的市场销售占有率达80%左右,其中“豫园”(老庙、亚一)、“老凤祥”两大首饰集团企业的销售占市场60%多。  会员企业充分体现多种经济成份,如国有企业市百一店、华联商厦、新世界、东方商厦、九洲黄金、农工商系统“城隍珠宝”,民营企业的“珠玉汇市”、“明牌银楼”、“东华钻饰”。香港著名首饰企业如“英皇珠宝”、“周生生”、“周大福”、“谢瑞麟”,梅陇镇珠宝廊(香港庆丰金集团)均已加入协会。 近年来,协会与国际及港澳台地区的首饰企业交往频繁,经常与世界黄金协会、国际铂金协会以及香港庆丰金集团协办有关黄金珠宝首饰新款式推广展示及设计大奖评比活动,接待日本、韩国、德国、香港、台湾、斯里兰卡等首饰同行的业务咨询交流。 协会注重履行维护企业合法利益及保护消费者合法权益,倡导行业自律,协调政府与企业间关系,促进企业加强品牌诚信服务,“老庙”、“老凤祥”荣获全国驰名商标、上海著名商标,“亚一”、“城隍珠宝”评上上海著名商标。“老庙”、“老凤祥”、“亚一”已在全国大中城市发展到800多家连锁经营网点。上海黄金珠宝首饰迎合世界新潮流,款式新颖,设计工艺高超,深得全国首饰消费市场的良好声誉。

Shanghai Cold Exchange (SGE thereafter), approved by the State Council, founded by the People’s Bank of China and registered in the State Administration for Industry & Commerce, is a not-for-profit and self-disciplined legel entity. SGE organizes transactions of the Precious Metals including gold, silver and platinum in association with the principle of “Open, Fair, Just and Honest”.

SGE adopts a membership system. Its members consist of qualified banks and corporations registered in the People’s Republic of China, ratified by the PBOC to produce, smelt, process,wholesale, import and export precious metals including gold, silver, platinum, etc. and derivative productc of precious metals. SGE has totally 157 members, spreading around 26 procinces,, autonomous regions and cities, which can produce 75% of China’s total gold Prodution with the consuming and smelting capacity account for 80% and 90% respectively.

SGE employs normalized transaction and the gold, silver & platinum used for trasaction should meet the standard regulated by SGE. At present stage, SGE conducts the trasaction of spot physical gold, silver and platinum with the following 6 species: Au99.99, Au99.95, Au100g, Au99.9 and Pt99.395. As for the spot margin trading, SGE introduces the following 3 types: Au(T+D), Au(T+N), Ag(T+D). The deferred trading of silver is also going to be listed soon.

SGEfollows the principle of “Price Priority and Time Priority” in marketing deal and adopts a computer-matching system. Currently, SGE assigns Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, ICBC, China Constrction Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank, Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. And Hua Xia Bank as its formal clearing banks and conducts the capital settlement under the principle of “concentration, directness and net valuation”. Following the principle of :members may choose warehouses according to their own will”, SGE sets up 54 assigned warehouses in 37 cities all over the country to facilitate its members’ stocking and delivering the gold.

SGE appoints quality examination institutions to conduct qualification examination for gold quality standard and ratify the refining factory and grade attestation. Quality examination institutions also conduct examination and arbitration for dispute on quality. For all standard gold transaction within the exchange, SGE keeps the principle of “Free VAT or Immediate Collection and Returning of VAT” approved by the State Minstry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.

The official opening of SGE is a significant breakthrough in China’s gld administrative system and a brandnew stage in the construction of the country’s financial market.

中国黄金协会是经国家经济贸易委员会和中华人民共和国民政部正式批准和注册登记的全国性社团组织。中国黄金协会的英文译名CHINA GOLD ASSOCIATION,缩写为CGA。该协会是由黄金生产、加工和流通企业、事业单位和与黄金相关企业及事业单位、社团组织自愿组成的全国性、非营利性、自律性的社会组织,是依法成立的社会团体法人。

The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society (“CGSE”) was established in 1910. It is the only gold exchange in Hong Kong with 171 members. Its members come from 5 main sectors, namely gold refiners, jewelry makers, gold dealers, banks, brokerage houses, etc. CGSE launched the electronic trading services and Loco London Gold (100oz & 10oz) and Loco London Silver (5000oz & 500oz) contract to its members in 2008 and provides ‘Loco London Gold/Silver Contract Transaction Code’ to investors through its members to ensure a fair, justified and open gold market. This brings a new start to the Hong Kong gold market. In the future, CGSE will contribute to the development of Hong Kong as the international financial center with confidence and strength.

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